Evolution of internet and web authorization

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Evolution of Internet

Internet is a network that connects everywhere in the world. By using internet, people can do a lot of things such as sending or receiving email, accessing a large library which is World Wide Web, play video games and others. There are different types of internet that had been used nowadays which is public, private, business and government networks. These networks are very important for each categories. Therefore, the internet nowadays had bring lots of advantages for the human being. So, what is the evolution of internet?

Image result for KleinrockThe internet was started as an experiment in the late 1962 by the DARPA which is known as Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT who was the first person who purposed a global network of computers and worked in the DARPA. Later, Leonard Kleinrock at MIT created a theory named switching theory which was to form a basis internet connection.

In 1964, Kleinrock conviced Robert to use his theory rather than the circuit theory which was a major steps to the path of computer networking. It is also the chances to make the computer talk to each others.

Image result for robert connect massachusetts computerIn 1965, Robert connected a Massachusetts computer with a California computer by using low speed dial-up telephone line. At this experiments, they found out that the both of the computers were working together and the programs were running well. However, the telephone line's circuit switching does not went well. This prove that the Kleinrock's theory is correct.

In 1966, Robert went to DARPA to make his plan for ARPANET which is known as Advance Research Project Agency Network. It is the world's first operation network in the world.

Image result for four major computers in university of the internet thenIn 1969, the ARPANET known as the Internet had been created. It was brought online through contract by the ARPA which is initially connected by the four main computers at the universities. The universities were UCLA which was the first host, Stanford Research Institute which was the second node and the last two node which were the UCSB and the University of Utah.

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In 1972, Kahn organised a large and successful presentation of the Internet at the ICCC which is known as the International Computer Communication Conference. This was the first presentation of the new network technology to the public. He had also introduced about his new application which is email. From this application, it becomes the world most largest network for the people until now.

Image result for authorization and authentication
Authentication and Authorization

There are two types of internet users in this modern web developments which is user authentication and authorization. What is the authentication and authorization?

For the authentication, it is a process to verify someone who wanted to join in a server. The server needs to know the information of the users before they accessing their website. In authentication, the users have to prove their identities by login their username and password. There are also another way to authenticate by using voice recognition, fingerprints and others. Therefore, authentication cannot see what does the users doing in their websites but just only verify the users.

For the authorization, it is a different process from authentication. Authorization is process that the servers determine the users have the permission to access their website or file. Authorization also works with the authentication as they needed to know who is the users that requesting their permissions to access the website or file.

Therefore, authentication and authorization are different process when the users are using a website or a file. However, most of the websites or files are not needed for authentication or authorization as the users can just only see their file by asking for it.


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